Monday, July 1, 2019

Everybody is talking about Ravelry

Yeah, Ravelry is in the news. I've read a lot of what's happening and I have a few thoughts on the matters.

1. Ravelry is not a public corporation, it's private.
2. Ravelry "seems" to be leaning to The Left. Let's be clear, not democrats, but The Left. That's different.
3. Ravelry should stick to yarn projects and not permit politics. It's more than I want or care to handle, and I am not in agreement with their beliefs, therefore it IS my prerogative to leave a group that I find disrespectful or hostile to my classic beliefs.
4. I'm happy not being a part of that group. If you stay with Ravelry, that's fine with me, we're still friends or friendly, I have no problem with that.

I hope Ravelry continues to prosper, and hope that they reconsider being mixed up with politics and such.

God's abundant blessings to all of you. ✟✟✟

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