Thursday, January 1, 2015

It's That Time of Year Again

...when I take out my slipper socks because the temperature has dipped down enough for them. What temp? Yahoo says it's 78ºF here in my town, and I believe it. I've got my socks, long jeans, short sleeves, but with a crocheted shawl over my shoulders, because it's chilly enough for it. And here are the socks!

If you're into celebrating the new year, then Happy 2015!



Lois Evensen said...

What darling slipper socks! :) Happy New Year back at ya!

River Glorious said...


Le-Teisha said...

You wear slipper socks at 78???78 is a heatwave. It's been -5 in the mornings here. Now that's slipper sock weather.:)Le-Teisha

River Glorious said...

@ Le-Teisha


Wendy's Mhaaksels said...

Great socks! I'm following your blog now ;)
Greetings from Holland, Wendy
Wendy's Mhaaksels

River Glorious said...

Hello, Wendy! :) :) :)