Today's Creation Moment
Raccoon Bear?
Romans 1:24-25
"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness
through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies
between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and
worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed
for ever. Amen."
In creation, things aren't always as simple
as they seem. Even before Charles Darwin, scientists who believed in
evolution classified plants and animals by appearance. A story about the
creature's evolutionary history would be invented, based on its
appearance and, sometimes, its habits. However, God is too creative for
this kind of attempt to write Him out of history.
background information helps us understand the problem of the giant and
lesser pandas. Are they related to bears? Are they related to raccoons?
Or neither? Evolutionary scientists have been debating this for more
than a century. They were sure the giant and lesser pandas should be
grouped together because of similarities in their teeth. And even though
the giant panda looks like a bear, it doesn't hibernate. Nor does it
roar – it has a very unbear-like bleat, like a lamb.
Modern molecular biology has now
investigated the panda question. DNA and proteins from greater and
lesser pandas were examined and compared. Researchers arrived at a
startling conclusion, based on what they knew about raccoon and bear DNA
and proteins. The greater panda is a bear. The lesser panda is not a
bear, but is related to the raccoon.
In their rush to deny the Creator, humans built huge claims out of tiny amounts of information. It is, in fact, much easier to see the greater and lesser pandas as unique creatures that have come from the hand of our imaginative Creator.
In their rush to deny the Creator, humans built huge claims out of tiny amounts of information. It is, in fact, much easier to see the greater and lesser pandas as unique creatures that have come from the hand of our imaginative Creator.
I thank You, Lord, for the wonderful creatures we
call pandas. In addition, I thank You that they witness to Your
creativity and confound those who wish to deny You. Protect these
creatures so that we may always enjoy them. Amen.
"Panda pedigree: giant and lesser." Science News, v. 128, p. 216.
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