Thursday, March 25, 2010

Boston Trip Update

I have some wonderful things to report.

We have received close to $4,000 (American) in donations.
Essie from Australia sent AJ an Aussie hat and some pins, which he thinks is great and that she is so cool!
I found kosher and health food stores in Boston, close to where we will be staying, so I will be able to eat w/o becoming a patient myself.
A stranger sent us 25 dollars... she was so sweet!
An internet friend sent AJ an action figure as a joke, a Final Fantasy character, which AJ really really likes.  Thanks, Anna, if you read this.
We have hundreds of people praying for AJ, and we didn't even know it.  It's wonderful they way strangers are praying for a youngster!
I am praising God because our pastor is going on Monday for praying and support.
Also, my boss, the one I jokingly call Fearless Boss is also going to show up later on in the week, for moral support and says he will take us to a health food store.  :)  Thank you, Yonkers. :)
My sister-out-law (I know, I know, but if you only KNEW her, you would agree with me!) made a few phone calls and now when we get to the airport, someone is going to meet us with a wheelchair, here, in Philadelphia, and in Boston, and also upon our return.

I could go on, but you can see what I mean when I say that I am praising my Savior all the day long.  I have my moments of doubts, especially when I think of getting into a metal, hollowed out object, that is supposed to float all the way over the Atlantic Ocean and land in the States, without ONCE DROPPING OUT OF THE SKY!!!!  I think that has me worried, plus the mounting medical bills, but the Lord God is faithful, even beyond what I deserve, and I am just going to rest in His provision and be still about this whole thing.


♥Caroline♥ said...

God is good!! Glad things are working out well!

butterflycrochet said...

but the Lord God is faithful, even beyond what I deserve, and I am just going to rest in His provision and be still about this whole thing.

What a wonderful attitude. Yes our Lord is good.
And yes we all need to rest in His provision. We would be so much better off.