Saturday, November 7, 2009

Grateful for My MIL

I'm grateful for mine, at least, I claim her as a mother-in-law.  Her name is Enelia.  Well, okay, so she's not my real MIL and her real name isn't Enelia. She my husband's great-aunt, who took him in when his own mother died and did her best to finish bringing him up.

Back in Those Days, people here would give birth in their homes, and then later on go to the township to inscribe the baby.  Often, if they weren't going to town, since it was far away and people had to travel by horse or mule or on foot, if a neighbor was heading to town, the parents would tell him/her to inscribe (register?) the child and under what name.

So, her parents, who were busy working and couldn't go, asked a neighbor to register their new baby and would he please put her down as "Enelia" . The neighbor took half a day to reach the township.  He did his errands and before he returned, went to the office to register the new baby girl.  But, a terrible thing happened along the way to that office:  he forgot the name.  He thought it over, knew it began with an "E" and when asked for the name promptly blurted out: "Her name is Emerita." 

Can you imagine the anger when they found out the mistake.  I don't know what happened next, though I'm sure they never asked him to do any more favors!  She is known as Enelia anyway, although it's not her legal name. Still, Enelia or Emerita, she's the same sweet old lady who always looks at my crochet work and admires it.  This is a lady who can embroider, sew wedding dresses, cook savory Puerto Rican food to die for, and some other needlework that I can't remember right now, something like Richelieu... and she admires MY crochet work!  She wants a white shawl, half-granny square or the granny triangle, as it is often called, so I'm going to buy that yarn.  Will have to send to the States for it, since they don't sell it here, that I know of. But I will make that shawl for her and soon.

Oh, the link!!

I wish my MIL were here.  She's in New York, living with a "daughter" who isn't her daughter, which she also brought her, when her mother died, and they are no relation to each other.  I MUST make that shawl.  I have a blue one, but she wants it to be white, so white it is.

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