Thursday, September 25, 2008

Last 3 Edgings for the Crochet Cornflower Blankie

Here's the shell edging someone suggested. It's nice, but it feels very heavy here.

The yellow and blue double crochet edging.

Single crochet yellow edging.

I'm thinking of adding perhaps a white double crochet edge, and then something with color, too. I won't post that here, though. Please leave a comment so I can have them all in the same place and see what you all are thinking. Some people have already emailed their favorite edging, too, with comments. You are all very helpful... ¡Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Totally the yellow and blue - that really completes it!

Down on the Farm said...

My computer is so S-L-O-W today. One would think I was still using the old telephone connection instead of the supposedly high speed connection. I say all that to let you know that I have paid a visit to your site and the pictures are coming in just a tiny bit at a time. It is going to take a long time to see all your pretties. I plan on bookmarking you so that I can visit you again.

I love great bargains and I visit thrift stores and yard sales often, and mostly I buy yarn. I am telling you this because of the pictures I have seen so far of your afghans. I was at a yard sale a couple of weeks ago and a lady was telling the owner? of the yard sale that she had been making afghans and she could not even give them away. I assume because it is much too hot here in my desert to cuddle up into an afghan most of the time. I do a lot of knitting, crocheting and sewing. Many of the things I make with yarn I put in the church craft sale, hoping that it will be just the right thing for someone. All the money that I bring in goes to missions. I get to make anything I want to make, knowing (hoping) that someone will enjoy wearing that item. Connie

Anonymous said...

While I think they all are pretty, I like the yellow with blue single crochet border the best.