Monday, September 15, 2008

Crochet Baby Blankie Almost Finished

So, I'd taken a break from the blankie repair job I'd been doing, and decided to make something just because I wanted to make it.


And here it is...

Here's a better view of the corner and the center.

Can you tell that the flowers are made with popcorn stitches? I don't like popcorns. The interrupt my crocheting. They are in the same league with pineapples...

I joined the border with a half double crochet. I didn't like using white, it really needed color there. A whip stitch looked bad, and so did slip stitch, single crochet, and double crochet joining. So, even though I rarely use it, and certainly not for joining, I used the half double crochet. It looks nice. It gives it a relief from the flatness of the piece and didn't show any white stitching on the opposite side of the stitch, which is what happens when you use the other stitches.

And now, I don't know how to finish it. Should I make a border with white yarn? Blue or yellow? A combination of these colors? This is like playing chess. I do well until the end, and then I don't know what to do. A friend suggested doing only a white single crochet border.

Please leave your comment here and help me out! Thanks!


Barb S said...

I love it. I think I would do a simple shell edging in blue to set the whole thing off.

Sharon said...

IMO, I think you should do a border (maybe just an easy sc) with white, blue and yellow, to pick up all the colors in the blanket. Like white, blue, white, yellow, white, blue, white. Or something like that. Happy designing!

A Musician by Grace

Anonymous said...

I agree with Barbara,
A nice simple blue border would be nice! It looks great!

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I would use a picot edging in blue if it were me.

Anonymous said...

Well, after you eat some ice cream... :)
I think you should do a yellow border because you have done it with blue & yellow stripes already. So, although the squares are in between, it would carry on that theme, subtly.
Just my 2 cents.
Mitzy :)

p.s. for some reason it wouldn't accept my google username so I had to go with anonymous. :(

smoky1953 said...

If you have a variegated of blue, yellow and white that would look good as well as it will pick up all three colors of the blanket. I used sc/lsc stitches on my edge and it turned out real pretty.

River Glorious said...

Mitzy, I'll take you up on the chocolate ice cream. I'm gonna eat some right now, I think, haha! ;)

River Glorious said...

So far, I'm liking ALL of the suggestions... This is a dilemma. I think I'll try each, one at a time, on different parts of the blankie and see which one calls to me... Keep the comments coming, please. I appreciate all of them more than I can say.


Hooked by Joy said...

Beautiful! I vote for simple blue edging. Please post to CP list when you finish the border. I like the idea of trying various ideas at different places on the blanket - easy to compare.