Sunday, October 31, 2010

More Corn Free Including Asthma Medications

As posted on Avoiding Corn Forum:

"Xoponex for the nebulizer was corn-free, and Ventolin inhalers were corn-free."

Kate's Butter (sea salted).

Kids vitamins:
Nordic Berries, by Nordic Naturals


 8626.3 in reply to 8626.1 
I know some Walgreens do compounds, but most do not. Even if they say they do, they don't do the type of compounding that you would need done for corn-free.
From the corn-free list (
Compounding Pharmacy Locator: Go to “Patients/Pets” on the sidebar, click on “Finding a Compounding Pharmacist”
Each state has its own little rules for scripts, but basically scripts need:
drug name (for compounding, the generic name may be preferred)
amount of drug per dose/pill (ex. 25 mg)
directions on how to take it - twice a day, once a day, as needed...
quantity of drug to release at a time (50 pills)
Refills (number of refills)

In addition to the dosage mine writes corn free gluten free and preservative free on the prescription. But everyone is correct my compounding pharmacist spoke with my Doctor to explain what I needed and how they would accomplish it. Even after all these years they still need to chat every once in awhile.


Corn Allergy Advocate

Joey's Cooking Corner

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