Monday, December 31, 2012

Three Kings Day is January 6th

Three Kings Day is January 6th. On the Eve, children go out and gather grass for their boxes, often a shoe box. The tradition is that they leave grass for the Wise Men's camels or horses, depending on which region you're from, and the Wise Men feed the animals and leave you a small present, just as they left gifts to the King before they left. 

It was part of their worship to the Lord, come to the earth in the form of man, to later become the sacrifice through which we would have salvation, access to God the Father. We keep the tradition alive in our home, by giving our children small gifts, too. I already gave My Danny Boy a small gift, a book, and am not sure what to give AJ. 

Today is New Year's Eve, which I sort of celebrate, but, honestly, it feels the same as yesterday, and will probably feel the same tomorrow. I'm glad it's a new year, but it's just a change in date. Any resolutions that I've not kept this year will probably not be kept next year just because it's a new year, but because at some point I've decided to be disciplined in my life.

That being said, Merry New Year and God bless us, Every One!


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